Friday, January 21, 2011

L8r 2k10. I hate you. ~ Hi 2k11! I love you.

Been a while, y'all.

The end of 2k10 has kinda kicked my ass. Been sick 3 times in the last 6 months. Working too late at night. 15-16 hr. days non stop. Too hard for my own good. No breaks. Blah, blah, blah. Boohoo.

But it's all good.
Happy to work.
Still riding the chillwave.

Did some Gutters work, some sample pages for SEVERAL different properties (Can't say/show. Lame, I know.) and am trying to write my own comic. Not to mention my normal day job has been busy as heck.

Got on some peep's radars in 2k10, so that's cool.

Really looking forward to some major progress in 2k11 and for some "things" to finally be seen. I guarantee that 2k11 will be one of the greatest years of my life. I just know it!

In the meantime, below are some things that I CAN show you!

The first is a short story written by up and coming writer Ryan L. Schrodt It was done as a submission for Clint Magazine's Space Odditites. You can check that out right.. aboooouut..... here. This was a super fun story to illustrate.

I was recently asked to do samples for some possible upcoming Godzilla work. This is what I did. Again, super fun to work on. I hate doing pages for free, but on a job like this you can't say no!

That reminds me: My 2k11 resolution is to try and stay away from doing free art. Oops! Too bad I broke that resolution, like, 2 days into the new year. Oh well. It's being reinstated from here on out! I'm serious!

Happy New Year